카테고리 없음
2023. 3. 3. 03:26
- Download parcel_05_06_2022.zip from https://downloads.hcpafl.org/
- Extract a shape file (.shp)
- Run QGIS to see / verify data / display all on a map / view ("Open attribute table")
- Check _DOR_Code_List.xlsx to see which parcel type of the shape are housing types (single house, condo, townhouse) and other types
- residential housing types: single house, condo, townhouse, etc.
- shopping places: malls, grocery stores
- restaurants
- schools (k-6, middle, high, college) - may need to differentiate "public" / "private"
- workplaces
- worship
- hospital, grocery, bank
- (Previous python simulator's input location types):
- > db.LG.distinct("properties.type")
- > db.LG.distinct("properties.type")
- Calculate the center of the shape (parcel) sing python "geopandas" and "shapely"
- I made a jupyter notebook for that - calculating centroid x, y from shapes of a shp file
- Finally save it to original shp file (with additional data), geojson, csv
- See this for reading/writing in various formats: https://geopandas.org/en/stable/docs/user_guide/io.html
* Other tips - Display attributes on the map on QGIS